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 Storage / 660 (-5)
  Storage bins gift pack: WalMart
Stopped in at my local Wally World and found a "gift pack" of storage bins on sale. The gift pack contains the following: * 60-drawer unit (each drawer 2 1/8"W x1 1/4"H x 5 3/4"D) * 23-drawer unit (3 sizes of drawer: - 16 small drawers: 2 3/4"W x 1 (...) (24 years ago, 14-Dec-00, to,
  Re: Lego parts organizing
(...) (moved to .storage, which is where I believe it belongs) I sort by: 1-brick type 2-colour So, I have oodles of 2 sizes of tubs (about 45 total, so far). I mostly sort by part type, so for example, all my windows are in one tub, my normal (non (...) (24 years ago, 12-Dec-00, to
  Re: Storage containers at KB Toy Liquidators
They are found at outlet malls (US, Canada?). Our local store (at the outlet) is called Toy Liquidators. I have found that our KB toys store found at our local mall carries a lot of the same items. KB kids is the website for these stores and there (...) (24 years ago, 12-Dec-00, to,
  Re: Storage containers at KB Toy Liquidators
In, Rose Regner writes: Hello Rose!! Where is KB Toy Liquidators? Is there a web site?? Thank you!! (...) (24 years ago, 12-Dec-00, to,
  Storage containers at KB Toy Liquidators
I bought several Erector set storage containers at KB Toy Liquidators. They were 4.50, they have 25% off Erector sets. They are about 14" X 18" X4". They have an inner tray that is removable and a bottom compartment. The lid has a place to store (...) (24 years ago, 20-Nov-00, to,

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