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Re: Inventory of lego, software for keeping
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 20:28:03 GMT
4445 times
Mikkel Breiler <> writes:
Been out of the loop so to speak for 2-3 yrs now, but wanted to get
back into building and having fun. The constraint of 2-3 yrs have
been space, and with that situation not chanignin any time soon, I
have pondered how to enjoy a large collection of lego but in less
space. For instance I have no space for displaying finished models
but will have to tear them down into boxes again after hving played
around with it, before building something else (I will probably buy
a digital camera using this inability to enjoy a creation over a
longer period, as an excellent excuse to do so ;)

I have thought of how to have lego places in large, sometimes
original boxes, though sorted into colours, type and legosystem, all
placed physically in the 2x2 meter storage room in the cellar of the
building I live in. While still knowing roughly what in where, and
saving a trip to the cellar whenever possible. So some sort of
inventory system is in order.

So has anyone else thought of how to combine [off]storage with
inventory? Anyone at all?

Well, my wife and I are living in a very small 2-bedroom house (600
square feet, or about 54 square meters), so I am in a similar
situation, though perhaps not as bad as yours.  My wife is very
patient and supportive of my Lego habit, but there is physically
little space to store my completed MOC's.  One bedroom is an office,
and the other is where we sleep, so my Lego is in the dining area.

I have considered doing what you are talking about, or something like
it anyway, by getting some of the less commonly used pieces out of the
way to make more room for others.  One approach I've been considering
is to simply put a percentage of all my 2x4, 2x2, 1x2, and 1x4 bricks
into storage.  I have a very large number of these, due to having
purchased many 3033 tubs, and quite a large number of these are not in
use.  I was thinking that if my "active" supply gets too low, I can
retrieve the "backup" supply from storage and replenish it.  But this
way, my active supply is never completely out of any color/type of

Also, you might want to consider creative ways to display your
finished models.  For example, I have some of mine on top of a
bookshelf.  I've also thought about installing a shelf that runs
across the top of a window, about 1/2 meter from the ceiling, to
display models.  My airplane model can be hung from the ceiling.  For
now, they are piled up in a rather unattractive way on top of my Lego
storage cabinets, but that is not acceptable in the long term.

Digital cameras and Brickshelf are nice, but not good for the long
term, I think you'll find.  You'll want to be able to bring the models
to your club meetings, show visiting friends, etc. and it is hard when
all you can do is show pictures.

Anyway, good luck and let us know what system you come up with.


William R Ward  
     If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Inventory of lego, software for keeping
(...) After having thought about it for a long time, I finally did it yesterday, I moved my lego from my parents place (still find I am missing some boxes I KNOW I bought and built at some point I just lost track of where I stored them....) But I (...) (22 years ago, 9-Oct-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Inventory of lego, software for keeping
Hi Been out of the loop so to speak for 2-3 yrs now, but wanted to get back into building and having fun. The constraint of 2-3 yrs have been space, and with that situation not chanignin any time soon, I have pondered how to enjoy a large collection (...) (23 years ago, 25-Dec-01, to

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