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 Storage / *1661 (-20)
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) Mmmkay! If anyone ever visited my place they'd be appalled at how disorganized it is. Mostly I'm just in awe of how it's such a totally over the top use of Visio. :) (which I have used in the past for trying to decide what buildings go where) (...) (12 years ago, 2-Nov-12, to,, FTX)  
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) My 6990 monorail was set up for may years in the basement under florescent lights. Yeah, some of the white is pretty much tan in colour now. It's very odd, though--some white pieces didn't turn colour at all, whilst some went completely tan in (...) (12 years ago, 1-Nov-12, to, FTX)  
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) I really like the layout of the Lego room. Very well organized. One comment on flourescent lighting... I had some Lego sets on display at work many years ago. I decided to take them home when I noticed that the flourescent lighting in the (...) (12 years ago, 1-Nov-12, to, FTX)  
  Re: New LEGO room
(...) The original basement room used recessed lighting. I separated the 4 POTS that are now in the LEGO room from the rest of the basement and threw a separate switch on them. At the same time I was able to add plugs along the new wall. I found a (...) (12 years ago, 31-Oct-12, to, FTX)  
  Re: New LEGO room
Very nice. I didn't see any pics that showed the ceiling, so I must ask, what kind of lighting do you have? I recently organized my LEGO building room. My parts bins are quite different than yours, but their placement along the perimeter of the wall (...) (12 years ago, 31-Oct-12, to, FTX)  
  New LEGO room
Y'know, I started the process of actually registering at Eurobricks to post stuff like this but then it hit me--what the h-e-whatevers--why am I not posting on LUGNET?? Am I contributing to the delinquency of this absolutely fantasically historical (...) (12 years ago, 30-Oct-12, to,,, FTX) ! 
  Re: 18 Compartment Storage Container
Crap Rosco, That post blew the 1 post per year limit in .storage! ;) s (...) (13 years ago, 20-Mar-12, to, lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: 18 Compartment Storage Container
(...) Very nice, but probably belongs in ;) ROSCO (13 years ago, 20-Mar-12, to lugnet.trains,, FTX)  
  Re: LEGO Storage
A great idea. You should put this on (URL) Instructables>. (14 years ago, 11-Feb-11, to, lugnet.people, FTX)
  LEGO Storage
Hi all, You haven't heard from me for quite a while. I'm back with a new creation. I made my own storage-containers. (URL) (click pic) Play well, Maarten (14 years ago, 10-Feb-11, to, lugnet.people, FTX)
  Iris LEGO Containers
Just saw these tonight at a Seattle Fred Meyer (URL) units in the center look like tackle boxes without dividers, and retail for $9 each (and come with a 10inch baseplate). The bins at top seem more like plastic shoeboxes and weren't priced (also (...) (15 years ago, 25-Nov-09, to
  Virtual Lego Room Tour at BrickCon 2009
After the success of the first Virtual Lego Room Tour at BrickFest 2009 we've decided to do it again at BrickCon. When LUGs have a meeting at a member's house, the one thing that everyone always wants to see is the owner's build area. A Lego Room, a (...) (16 years ago, 21-Sep-09, to, lugnet.announce,, ! 
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) Pretty much the same here. I kept a couple of sets that I really liked almost separate (apart from borrowing parts). Some I keep together to challenge myself to see what I can do with them. I really don't do MISB. I have bought classic sets (...) (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) In the beginning I would build the set, display it for a while, and then sort it into the appropriate parts bin. Now, I build, display, disassemble, and store it in a ziploc with the instructions. [Prepare to Gasp] I loan out my sets to (...) (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) Generally, Stacy and I do a little of both. A lot of times I will buy sets with the intent to build them...but just never get the time. They may sit in our 'LEGO Lair' for a number of months unopened before I finally decide to get around to (...) (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) I only bought sets to fill up the collection anyway. :D (16 years ago, 24-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) I do some of each. Most sets are sorted directly into the main collection, but some sets are kept separate, as collected items. However, I don't do "MISB" -- if I get a set, I build it. If I like a set enough to want to collect it, I certainly (...) (16 years ago, 23-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) One for all and all for one - nicely sorted into my LEGO parts collection. Jetro (16 years ago, 23-Jul-09, to
  Re: What to do with sets
(...) Sort the pieces into the collection. Play well, Jacob (16 years ago, 23-Jul-09, to
  What to do with sets
How do people store sets they purchase? 1. Leave them separate from the main collection. -or- 2. Add them to the collection of LEGO? I see benefits to both but was wondering what others do. Thanks. (16 years ago, 20-Jul-09, to

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