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Re: Y-wing fighter
Fri, 10 Nov 2000 20:04:05 GMT
464 times
In lugnet.starwars, David Eaton writes:
In lugnet.starwars, David Eaton writes:
However, that's pretty flimsy, I think. Perhaps you could support it by using
a 'lightsaber blade' piece, which fits snugly inside an axle hole (on both of
the 4x4 rounds surrounding the macaronis). Actually, heck, if you're not
concerned with it being physically attached by studs, you could eliminate the
macaronis altogether, and just supporting that last 4x4 round on the
lightsaber blade (dk >grey of course), and rotating it 45 degrees...

Yeah, yeah, I'm replying to my own message...

Looking at Jay's response, it looks like he did sorta the same thing? Only he
covered up the gap between the two 4x4 rounds with 1x2 tiles... cool...


No tiles my fellow AFOL,
I used 2x1 plates with one stud on top and the connection in the centre of
the circle was made using a 1x1 round plate instead of a lightsabre blade.
It proved surprisingly sturdy and completely self supporting (no

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Y-wing fighter
(...) Yeah, yeah, I'm replying to my own message... Looking at Jay's response, it looks like he did sorta the same thing? Only he covered up the gap between the two 4x4 rounds with 1x2 tiles... cool... DaveE (24 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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