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 Star Wars / 8035
8034  |  8036
Re: MOC Radiant VII just added to my page
Thu, 22 Jun 2000 21:24:30 GMT
533 times
Mr. Kuester

Brilliant work (as always)--dig the white trim and the constuction of the
circular sections.  I'll be interested in seeing more of your EP 1
interpretations.  Keep up the "time eating".


Message is in Reply To:
  MOC Radiant VII just added to my page
Hi all! I just snapped a few pics of my latest time-eater :) As I promised a while ago, I have started to build some microfig capital ships from Star Wars. There is just something about the Corellian ships I love... can't say I can put my finger on (...) (25 years ago, 22-Jun-00, to lugnet.starwars) ! 

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