Re: Feared misconceptions
lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.starwars
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 01:01:46 GMT
49 times
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I actually think that what pulled me into the SW sets was their
complexity and abundance of specialty parts! The first set I got was the
Snowspeeder, which I was rather impressed with. The set was so well
built and detailed that I went out and got the X-Wing (an even better
set, IMHO). It all snowballed from there!!!
I like the special parts best about Lego. (By special parts I refer to
the hinges and other non brick-like parts.) With these you can make your
projects far more advanced with moveable parts and pieces. I also love
the printed "graphic blocks" as I call them (ex. the dark green 2*2
slopes w/ AT-AT's on them) for the same reason of complexity.
Face it, take the special parts out of Lego and you're left with a big
old pile of Mega Blocks. [shudder...]
Moving on, I also like the Star Wars sets because of their tonal color
scheme (dark browns, greens, and greys) because all of the other sets
these days are all too kiddy and colorful, making it all to hard to make
my own projects look respectable. (ie.; yellow AT-ST's?!?!?)
That said, I like the Original Trilogy sets way better than the Episode
1 sets. I think that the Ep1 sets are more of a gimmicky thing than the
others, which are sturdier and have better designs. However, I can't
wait for the AAT and MTT to be realeased.
Am I the only person that feels this way?
Sonny Sidhu
PS: I do feel, however, that the SW sets are not good only because of
their liscence, but also their design, as Eric said.
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