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Re: 7124 Flash Speeder price?
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 22:20:55 GMT
893 times
In lugnet.starwars, Jeff Johnston writes:
I keep seeing people quoting the Flash Speeder price as being $7.99, but
every store I've been at says $9.99, and S@H price is $11.


Have you been able to order the Flash Speeder from S@H???  I just called Lego,
and was told that it is not available yet.  If you know how to coax them into
selling it, please let me know, as this is my most wanted small SW set.  Thanks!

Message is in Reply To:
  7124 Flash Speeder price?
I keep seeing people quoting the Flash Speeder price as being $7.99, but every store I've been at says $9.99, and S@H price is $11. Are these things just more expensive in New England, or has everyone been getting them on sale? J (25 years ago, 20-Dec-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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