Why stop at Mindfest??
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 05:42:55 GMT
298 times
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Instead of hoping for another Mindfest. Why not start a "Lugnetfest".
With all the people that post and read on Lugnet. I'm sure we could all put
ours heads together and come up with a time and place. A whole weekend, or day
event, with everyone and their legos from around the country. Everyone could
come and set up their own displays from all the different lego topics here. We
could all have a chance to meet and see each others projects.
Just wanted to throw the idea out there and see what some others thought
of it.
Jason Carter
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Why stop at Mindfest??
| (...) We had one back in 95 here in the Chicago burbs, but we called it Legofest 95. I've heard of them in other cities too. It was pretty fun. We had Lego bingo, blindfolded building contests, creative story telling with limited pieces, etc. Peter (25 years ago, 26-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)
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