Re: Current Projects?
Tue, 26 Oct 1999 00:57:57 GMT
597 times
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Um, I thought it was, I made a Z-95 in LEOCad and posted jpegs on my
website, but noone has commented, so the project is halted. Right now
I'm trying to get the Assult Gunboat figured out. :)
Jeff Stembel wrote:
> Hey, anyone working on any interesting Star Wars projects? My vast
> construction yard is trying to construct an AT-PT. 'Tis coming along
> suprisingly well, and I probably would've finished last night, if my
> inspiration hadn't hit at 11:30pm. Stupid bedtimes! :(
> Anyways, as soon as I finish, I'll try to get some photos posted within a week!
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Current Projects?
| Hey, anyone working on any interesting Star Wars projects? My vast construction yard is trying to construct an AT-PT. 'Tis coming along suprisingly well, and I probably would've finished last night, if my inspiration hadn't hit at 11:30pm. Stupid (...) (25 years ago, 25-Oct-99, to lugnet.starwars)
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