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 Star Wars / 13743
13742  |  13744
Re: Custom Droideka Destroyer Droid
Sat, 27 Jul 2002 23:07:20 GMT
1021 times
In lugnet.starwars, Christopher Snead writes:
In lugnet.announce.moc, Jason Allemann writes:


You must be sure to get this on and Bionicle Zone.

In retrospect, it seems the obvious thing to do with Bohrok; when I first got
those sets, I thought they were somewhat reminiscent of droidekas, but never
made the leap.

The best thing is that it's not very parts intensive.  I often here people
complaining that they don't have enough parts to build anything cool; here's
evidence that it's not the parts, but the ingenuity that creates great MOC's.

Again, great job!  I can't say enough good things...

Later, Chris

Thanks!  I've already posted about it on and it will be put in my
gallery there as soon as I get around to sending the pictures.

I'm not familiar with Bionicle Zone.  Any info would be appreciated.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Custom Droideka Destroyer Droid
(...) Outstanding! You must be sure to get this on and Bionicle Zone. In retrospect, it seems the obvious thing to do with Bohrok; when I first got those sets, I thought they were somewhat reminiscent of droidekas, but never made the leap. (...) (23 years ago, 26-Jul-02, to lugnet.starwars)

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