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 Star Wars / 10600
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Re: TIE offscale
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 16:08:36 GMT
487 times
In lugnet.starwars, Robbie Anderson writes:
After recently watching Star Wars IV, I noticed the Lego(TM) version of the
TIE Interseptor X-1 is offscale. In the movie the X-1 is smaller than the
two TIE's next to it, and that the X-1's cockpit is much smaller than the
other TIE's. Lego(TM) made the X-1 and the TIE Fighter the same size with
the same size of cockpits, too. And just for the record, the X-1 isn't
Darth's; it was the TIE he chose to fly in that battle. He never owned it
for himself only.

Every official source I've seen refers to it as "Darth Vader's TIE Fighter."
Here's a link to it on the official Star Wars website:

Here's a direct quote (in case you don't wanna click the link):

"Against the Rebel X-wing and Y-wing fighters in the Death Star trench, Darth
Vader's personal ship proves to be a devastating opponent, and Vader cuts
down one pilot after another with the X1's high technology"

So, it would certainly seem to me that the ship in question does in fact
belong to Darth Vader.

-Bryan "fanboy" Hodges

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: TIE offscale
(...) And even if it doesn't, is anyone here gonna argue with ol' Darth if he says it does? Vader: This (breathe) is my fighter. (breathe) Pilot: But Sir, I was issued this fighter! Vader: I find your lack of faith disturbing. Pilot: Thump. -JDF (24 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  TIE offscale
After recently watching Star Wars IV, I noticed the Lego(TM) version of the TIE Interseptor X-1 is offscale. In the movie the X-1 is smaller than the two TIE's next to it, and that the X-1's cockpit is much smaller than the other TIE's. Lego(TM) (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jan-01, to lugnet.starwars)

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