Did you hit the one in Brookfield?? just wonder if I should head that way or
I'd really like to get some of the new Star Wars sets if possible.
p.s. sorry about the ticket, I know how those suck....
Michael Perri wrote:
> While on a trip to the TRU by my house I found two of the Mars sets.
> Getting all excited I drove to 4 of the TRU stores in Milwaukee, the Racine
> one, 3 in Northern Illinois, and 1 Meijer's stores in IL and 2 in Indiana.
> This is what I got in return.
> 5 studio sets
> 450 miles on my car
> 3 mars sets
> 2 tanks of gas
> 1 $95 dollar speeding ticket from an IL state trooper (got to that TRU a
> little too late)
> Just wanted to share my fortune or in this case misfortune
> -Mike
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