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  Re: I just adopted a Cabbit!
(...) guys (...) them (...) So are you going to make one that transforms into a giant combat spacecraft? ;-) -- Cheers, Paul LUGNET member 164 (URL) (24 years ago, 18-Apr-01, to
  Re: I just adopted a Cabbit!
(...) actually, I thought about making it transform, but making that physically happen is way beyond me. I am going to make a microfig scale ship version of Lego-Ohki tho. I also wanted to make the mech form, but I'll never have enough pink. Ever. (...) (24 years ago, 19-Apr-01, to
  Re: I just adopted a Cabbit!
(...) Oh god that would be too much -- a cute fuzzy bunny wunny that turns into a monster robot spaceship. I love it! (...) I heard you can get bulk pink bricks at the Legoland CA model shop these days. --Bill. (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to

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