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Re: Todd, about the Classic Space set numbers?
Sun, 25 Feb 2001 23:31:55 GMT
520 times
In, "Iemke-P. Zeijlemaker" <> writes:

I've noticed a while ago that you have studied the set number rules.
Can you inform us a bit more than that you have done on 1/nov/00 on the 6888
How did TLG build the set numbers up?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Todd, about the Classic Space set numbers?
(...) Todd, even with all I've seen/heard, it's taken until this for me to finally say, "That boy ain't right." ;] Did you make this plot? If you did, I can't believe you actually looked at it enough to decide that you needed a log-plot to show the (...) (24 years ago, 26-Feb-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Todd, about the Classic Space set numbers?
Todd, I've noticed a while ago that you have studied the set number rules. Can you inform us a bit more than that you have done on 1/nov/00 on the 6888 issue? How did TLG build the set numbers up? Iemke-P. Zeijlemaker The Netherlands 6888 issue; (...) (24 years ago, 25-Feb-01, to

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