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Re: YT-800
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.starwars
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 02:45:45 GMT
648 times
Wow! Excellent job, Jon! I love all the details inside the ship, and the
general appearance of this little ship; Falcon-Jr. ;-)

Mladen Pejic, over and out!

In, Jon Palmer writes:
This ship fits into the YT series of ships. Its supposed to be a small one
manned courier ship. This one is heavily modified like the Falcon and
Outrider. I still don't have a proper name for the ship, sorry.

Tell me what you think!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: YT-800
Thanks! I wanted to put in all the sort of stuff you might find in the Falcon. I think it has just about all inside that a Corellian ship this size should have. No toilet but I never saw one on the Falcon either. -Jon "Mladen Pejic" (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jan-01, to,, lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
This ship fits into the YT series of ships. Its supposed to be a small one manned courier ship. This one is heavily modified like the Falcon and Outrider. I still don't have a proper name for the ship, sorry. (URL) me what you think! -Jon (24 years ago, 23-Jan-01, to,, lugnet.starwars) ! 

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