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Re: TLC: Use annual contests for Classically-designed set releases!
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 19:31:09 GMT
28 times
I buy the new ones, but I'd also buy the old ones, namely the original run
of late 70's sets. My parents couldn't afford to buy me the largest sets
when I was a youngster, so I missed out on the Galaxy Explorer and the large

~Mark "Muffin Head" Sandlin
Mark's Lego Creations

From: "Todd Lehman" <>

I'd love to see a new line of classic Space sets -- not re-releases of old
stuff, but new set designs using the old style.  I'd buy all of them, natch.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: TLC: Use annual contests for Classically-designed set releases!
(...) What if they released an LL-932 super-gigantor Galaxy Explorer big-brother ship and gave printed instructions to build an exact replica of the original Galaxy Explorer and its two smaller counterparts as alternate models? --Todd (24 years ago, 30-Oct-00, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: TLC: Use annual contests for Classically-designed set releases!
(...) Seriously? Did you hear that somewhere? Wow, that would be wild. And would explain a few things. :-) (...) I'd love to see a new line of classic Space sets -- not re-releases of old stuff, but new set designs using the old style. I'd buy all (...) (24 years ago, 30-Oct-00, to,

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