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 Space / 41814
    My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites —David Koudys
   I 'finished' (is it ever done?) lighting up my Classic Space Layout and decided to set it up in my living room. I took some pics and posted them on my Flickr channel - <> Also took a few vids and put them on my YouTube (...) (3 years ago, 24-Feb-22, to, lugnet.announce,,
        Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites —Achim von Wiedner
     (...) WOW! (3 years ago, 28-Feb-22, to
         Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites —David Koudys
     (...) Thanks!! Dave K (3 years ago, 3-Mar-22, to
        Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites —Brently-Mills
     (...) Truely wonderful work! I really like the contrast between the classic space and the modern building styles. (3 years ago, 28-Mar-22, to
         Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites —David Koudys
     (...) <Removed> (...) Thanks so much! I always considered my building style to be stuck in the '70's and 'early '80's :) I have fun with it, tho. And i'm basically doing 2 shows 'back-to-back' One this upcoming weekend in Etobicoke, and one the (...) (3 years ago, 17-May-22, to
        Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites —Dave Schuler
   (...) Terrific work! I'm sorry that I didn't see this thread until now, or I'd have commented sooner. I don't go in for LEGO much lately, but Classic Space will forever hold a special classic space in my heart. Thanks for sharing! Dave! (3 years ago, 7-Apr-22, to
        Re: My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites —David Koudys
   (...) Thanks so much Dave! ! I sporadically check out LUGNET ;) I'm just kinda focused on making this layout as 'best' as possible. I may get bored of it at some point and do something else, but for now, this is basically it :) Good hearing from (...) (3 years ago, 17-May-22, to

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