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  MOC: Carl "The Cobbler" Clotchkins' JL-79 Cargo Hauler
Hey all, Presenting my entry for Jordan Neves' "Rebuild Your First MOC, But Good!" contest over at Classic Space. (URL) Enjoy the old-timey-ness! Dave S. (17 years ago, 18-Aug-08, to, FTX)
  Re: MOC: Carl "The Cobbler" Clotchkins' JL-79 Cargo Hauler
(...) The old-timey-ness grows on me the more I look at this model. It looks like something that I would have loved back in 1979 (when i was 10 years old). Very nicely done! Readers younger than us may not understand the design elements. If so, I'd (...) (17 years ago, 20-Aug-08, to, FTX)
  Re: MOC: Carl "The Cobbler" Clotchkins' JL-79 Cargo Hauler
(...) Many thanks, Jeffrey! I was definitely going for a vibe similar the shows you listed! I was (and still am) a big fan of all of them. Glad you like the model and thanks especially for commenting! Dave S. (17 years ago, 20-Aug-08, to, FTX)

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