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 Space / 41246
    Santa was incredibly eleven years late! —Ed Jones
   My nephew-in-law and his wife gave me what they thought was two lego space sets they had picked up at a garage sale. The boxes: 6951 & 6890 The boxes included: 6951 - Robot Command Center - in its original box with the two circular trays 6890 - (...) (17 years ago, 31-Dec-07, to ! 
        Re: Santa was incredibly eleven years late! —Richard W. Schamus
     (...) Ed, What an AWESOME gift! Almost makes the wait worth it. Have fun! C-Ya! Rich (17 years ago, 31-Dec-07, to
        Re: Santa was incredibly eleven years late! —Anders Isaksson
   (...) Happy you! And a Happy New Year (yes, it's already 2008 here in Sweden) (17 years ago, 31-Dec-07, to

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