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Wanted: Assistant .space Curator
Newsgroups:, lugnet.admin.curators
Thu, 1 Dec 2005 23:31:49 GMT
6148 times
Hello everybody.  I've been around (altho I don't post much - I tend to do a lot
of spotlighting), but have had less time recently for curatory type stuff.  I'm
in grad school now, plus work and some other projects.  I don't think I've been
able to be the type of curator that .space really needs, but with some help, a
team could work.

Would anyone be interested in helping me curate .space?  Basically it would be
updating the monthly computer, finding superb MOCs for the Highlight, and
otherwise making .space fun.

Anyone interested should send me an email, either at the email above, or at
lenny.hoffman AT, or send me an IM at Glencaer.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Wanted: Assistant .space Curator
(...) Well, I got quite a bit of responce to this message. Thank you for everyone who volunteered! I'm pleased to announce that the new space curators are Ley Ward and Tony Hafner. Both have been around .space and the larger space community for a (...) (19 years ago, 11-Dec-05, to, lugnet.admin.curators)  

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