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Redux of Moonbase Beta-1
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.technic
Followup-To:,, lugnet.starwars
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 00:54:14 GMT
3187 times
If you remember a couple monthes ago i made a post about a moon base, now. I
need parts. I am willing to pay $$ for LARGE ( i mean HUGE) amounts of white
and grey pieces. Maybe a brickbay seller could give me a discout for buying
all his/her white bricks or something. It will be a modular base, as everyone
suggested and it will be connected with corridors.
    It is a military base so it will have bunkers built into the moon scape.
(The base is gonna eb about 10 bricks off the table and the bunkers will be on
a downwards slope toawrds the enemy encampment.) Now, the corridors will be an
octangonal shape so I need LOTS of 45 degree slope bricks. Someone suggested
having a 'torn up' base, as a failed project, i am gonna twist that into an
old derelict ship (possibly a rebel freighter) that has crashed. Now, if
anyone is willing to start pre-
limninary designs for the extirior i would be more then happy. I need help on
interior design. If Eric Kingsly won't mind, i think i will borrow some of his
B-Wing hanger designs for the pilot briefing room. I plan on making it a Rebel
base / attacked by Imperials theme. Here is the list of things i need:

Thousands of white bricks
Thousands of white plates (6x >6)
Thousands of red bricks (for trim)
Thousands of Grey bricks
thousands of grey plates (6x >6)
hundreds (maybe thousands) of slope white bricks
hundreds of computers
50-175+ stormtroopers
0-125+ Bullhorns (black) for blasters fo Imperials
12-24 Rebel Pilots (any type)
4 A wings
4 B Wings
4 X wings
24+ Rebel Technicians
50+ Rebel Soldiers (do these exist?)
tens of attenna pieces (black)
tens of grey technic bush pieces
hundreds of tiles (1x4, 1x8) white
Window panels
hundreds of Click hinge pieces for ATPT/ATST legs.

Please. Let's make this work.
I am willing to put a Special Thanks section on my model for everyon who has
helped out. Stuff i plan on 'borrow'ing. Some peoples AT-PT designs if they
let me, AT-STs, (maybe) an AT-AT. Hover craft (flash speeders). Maybe TLC will
help me out...

By the way...I will begin construction in MARCH. I need all pieces, designs,
and anything else, in by Feb 15.

Since this is a Star Wars orriented thing...Help me [Your name here] you're my
only hope!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Redux of Moonbase Beta-1
In, Rick Hallman writes: Got some parts now...Here is updated listing. (...) (24 years ago, 13-Nov-00, to,, lugnet.starwars)

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