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 Space / 35978
    Re: Outer Rim PortaPotty —Avery Christy
   (...) and what's next? That would be the contest of course; everyone design a futuristic household trapping. The contest would be limited to house hold type of items, i.e. vacuum-bot, spamcake powered microwave (makes everything taste 3vil), (...) (21 years ago, 30-Aug-04, to
        Re: Outer Rim PortaPotty —John Henry Kruer
   (...) Hmmm... Must supress odd ideas. (...) Agree- you have a neat idea there. (...) Why should there be? Our clients smell to good to attract Fly Bots. Thanks for the response! -JHK (21 years ago, 31-Aug-04, to

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