In lugnet.space, Daniel Rubin wrote:
The braintrust will be rolling out a wide range of new productions in the
near future.(chalk it up to the end of the spring semmester). First up on the
block is the new CBT-200, its the big brother of the
CBT-100 This one is
designed for close air support. I wasnt sure which way to go, and started
making something like the aircraft from the Terminator, but was unhappy with
the results, and decided to pursue the insect idea instead. This hornet
inspired craft is armed with two small caliber guns, and one large minigun
stinger. Moderated for your pleasure:
Please lemme know what you think!
-Dan Rubin
Chair of the Cyber-braintrust
Nicely done, Dan. I like the slopes for legs idea and am particularly fond of
the idea of a ladybug mecha sometime in the future. Keep up the great work and
thanks for xposting this.
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