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Re: Finally My QuikWars Pics from Ourcon!
Fri, 14 May 2004 15:34:35 GMT
280 times
In, John P. Henderson wrote, among other things:

   Unexpectedly, the civilians (NPCs run by the GMs) turned out to be the biggest threat.

Let this be a lesson to all of us: When you see a group of tired Stormtroopers heading home at the end of a long day, leave them alone.

What a mess.

   At the end of the Sunday game session, a player had one trooper enter a control tower and “randomly press buttons to see what happens.” One turn later, the shuttles of the big mothership in orbit began crashing down on misled courses. On the third turn from that, the mothership itself crashed down in a blaze of glory.

“Make sure your seatbelt is fastened low and tight across your lap.” You never know when someone will set the grail-shaped beacon.


Message is in Reply To:
  Finally My QuikWars Pics from Ourcon!
Hi All! I finally found time and a working computer to post my pics from OurCon (April 18 & 19) during which Teddy and I converged to display our spacey models. As it was a gaming convention, we offered two impromptu sessions of QuikWars (variant of (...) (21 years ago, 14-May-04, to, lugnet.gaming.brikwars,,,, FTX)  

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