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 Space / 33570
    Re: Osiris - Wow! —Ryan Wood
   (...) I've been in need of a big beautiful SHIP for a while (has there been one since Beagle or Ghoul?) now to drool over, and this one delivers everything: beautiful shape, interiors that make you want to jump inside and join the fun, perfect (...) (21 years ago, 11-May-04, to
        Re: Osiris - Wow! —Paul Baulch
   (...) Ah, what I said was wrong, I was just having a fit of jealousy last night because I don't have room for a spaceship that big... *sniff* I also agree that it was good to break up the lines of the ship, I just wouldn't have done it with a (...) (21 years ago, 12-May-04, to, FTX)

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