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    Re: Kt. Moozaf Blastov and Oh-Gee —Chris Maddison
   (...) -snip- (...) Lenny, Blastov's fighter (even in it's unfinished and...colorful state), looks one thing to me: fast. Very reminiscent of Jon's I-Wing. Awesome shape, like a big flying knife. Can't wait to see it finished. (URL) (21 years ago, 29-Apr-04, to, FTX)
        Re: Kt. Moozaf Blastov and Oh-Gee —Leonard Hoffman
   (...) Actually, the original concept to me was to make a UCS I-wing, using that canopy. When I was trying to come up with an appropriately cool personalized fighter (the Fazoom-o-craft is immeadiately recognizable and looks dern cool), I remember (...) (21 years ago, 2-May-04, to, FTX)

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