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Re: Cowbots of Doomstone
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 22:44:49 GMT
1601 times
In, Matt Bohlmann wrote:
   I originally built these characters as denizens of a Moonbase Saloon Module I put together in 2002 (alas, that project met a cataclysmic end before any photos were taken). These hardy characters survived the Doomstone Saloon’s destruction and drifted around my Wild West bin for almost two years, dodging the Pinkertons and collecting dust, until this Warrior Bots posting inspired me to dig them out and dust them off. Not sure what I’ll do with these guys next, but it might be about time to revisit the ruins of Doomstone...

I’m glad to hear I inspired someone! :o)

Some bots are better than others - Mr.Six-Shooter and the Marshal look the best. The Marshal particularly has a lot of style to him. I’m starting to really like this TechWest theme, and may have to do a bit myself.

Would love to see your next series of Bots or see a re-built Doomstone!

-Lord Lenyu

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  Cowbots of Doomstone
I originally built these characters as denizens of a Moonbase Saloon Module I put together in 2002 (alas, that project met a cataclysmic end before any photos were taken). These hardy characters survived the Doomstone Saloon's destruction and (...) (21 years ago, 23-Apr-04, to, lugnet.western, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)  

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