Re: Introducing T'Kunce drive-revolutionizing space travel was: Remembering Travis - His favorite p
Fri, 26 Dec 2003 04:13:56 GMT
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In, Jeff Szklennik wrote:
Tek Eridani,
founder, Eridani SpaceTek
Sorry to reply to my own post, but since i wrote the original post at 4am, i
forgot to add that i didnt have enuf chrome curve pipes to make it IRL, so I
did it in MLcad, then I realized it was serendipitous to do so, as I was using a
program made by one fallen Lego fan (Mr. James Jessiman) to make a MOC to
remember another Lego fan (Trav). I also just realized that, had i built it
IRL, the chrome would make multiple reflections of the (red, as in his tatoo, &
pink-appropriate colors no less in retrospect) heart of the TKunce drive. if
any ones got the pieces, or can make a nice render, please contact me for the
.ldr file, as id like to see it. or just tell me how to run it through
pov-ray, as ive downloaded it-itll be a good learning project. Thanks.
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