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Remembering Travis - His favorite piece
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Wed, 24 Dec 2003 18:08:54 GMT
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1357 times
Hi Everyone,

I chatted with Travis online every day. We shared many online jokes that were known really to only a few of us.

I tried to think of something people could wear, like a ribbon or T shirt or some such, to remember Travis. But those all seemed like things that would cost too much money or just not convey what I wanted.

He once showed me a photo of his favorite LEGO part, the 1x1 with 5 studs. He even had it tattooed.

I would like to suggest that everyone attending Brickfest PDX or other LEGO conventions who wants to remember Travis in some small way put the 5 stud brick on your brick badge. Use any color you like. Feel free to add parts to it if you want... that’s why Travis loved it.

I have made it the Space Seed Part for January. It’s not difficult to use it in a MOC, in fact it’s incredibly versatile and useful, which is why it was Travis’s favorite.

-Grand Admiral
.space Curator

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Remembering Travis - His favorite piece
(...) (URL) --SteveR (21 years ago, 24-Dec-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Remembering Travis - His favorite piece
(...) He (...) (URL) tattoo... (21 years ago, 24-Dec-03, to
  Re: Remembering Travis - His favorite piece
(...) Great idea Mark. I had some thoughts of my own on the subject. Not so much on a grand scale for everyone, but just a few personal ideas. For one, I'm planning on putting Travis' entire brickshelf folder on CD, just to have it as inspiration, (...) (21 years ago, 24-Dec-03, to, FTX)
  Re: Remembering Travis - His favorite piece
(...) Right on. e (21 years ago, 24-Dec-03, to, FTX)
  Introducing T'Kunce drive-revolutionizing space travel was: Remembering Travis - His favorite piece
(...) SNIP (...) SNIP (...) Yes Sir! Mr. Grand Admiral Sir! Per your request, we here at Eridani SpaceTek would like to unveil our latest achievement. We were hoping to be able to supply a radical new power source/space drive system to Kane (...) (21 years ago, 25-Dec-03, to, FTX)

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