| | space keyboard
| arrrg those pirates think they are sooo cool. well check this out. new and improved with not only a space bar but a space key as well (URL) (22 years ago, 14-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) I love it! But I made a small change: (URL) ~ (URL) ~ [ j o n ]¬ (URL) [zemi.net]>¬ (URL) [the-shipyard]> (22 years ago, 14-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) One more change: (2 URLs) j o n (URL) zemi.net> (URL) the-shipyard> (22 years ago, 14-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) Since there is a Shift key, shouldn't you make the top key a ./! combo? (22 years ago, 15-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) actually there should just be a monitor/tablet pc/p.a.d.d. (star trek the next gen) with only a flush backlit space button: (URL) Jeff (22 years ago, 15-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) Hey cool. You could use one of them to detect.... SPACE! (22 years ago, 15-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) Ha! You're all just jealous because you need a bigger vocabulary to be a spacehead than a pirate head. Arrr...rrr. Michaerrr...rrr. (22 years ago, 15-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) I see youv'e been practicing for Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearty. Allisterrrrarrrr. ps. and a bottle o' rum. <spock>Sensors indicate: silliness.</spock> (22 years ago, 15-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) Avast ye, spacelubber! Harrr! Yon group of spacers be the mos' wretched cowards of the seven seas, arrr! Ye be not the worth of ye pittance of a bounty to hunt ye down, ye mob of dandy bilge-headed whelps! (...) Ahaar! Splice the mainbrace, me (...) (22 years ago, 16-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
| |  | | Re: space keyboard
| (...) "Ensign, prepare to fire at these drunken pirates." "Aye, sir. Commence firing action." (...) "Enjoy it, it'll be your last." (...) "Yes! With the death of all .castle and .pirates!" (...) -Dan, having fun with Genocide Fleet, AGAIN (22 years ago, 16-Aug-03, to lugnet.space, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.general, FTX)
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