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 Space / 25096
    Re: The Flame and The Lance —John R. Beck
   (...) Paul, I think Lucasfilm ought to hire you to build their models. I've never liked the micro scale stuff. But you have converted me. My favorite feature is the hanger bays. Breathtaking. Is it longer than the blockade runner? John (21 years ago, 17-Jun-03, to, FTX)
        Re: The Flame and The Lance —Paul Baulch
   (...) The hangar bays were the main reason I even bothered building such a big microscale ship, really. It's a lot longer than the RBR, and heavier, despite containing a lot less wagon wheels... ;-) Cheers, (URL) Sci-Fi LEGO> (21 years ago, 18-Jun-03, to, FTX)

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