Re: Anybody notice this? Is this new?
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:26:41 GMT
580 times
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In, John Henry Kruer wrote:
I believe that this was uploaded a LONG time ago... But it still is very
cool. I wish Paul took more pictures... Id love to see an interior.
I wish I did too, John! And I will. Soon.
Actually, I remodelled the front module of the MSV shortly after that picture
was taken - the shape is improved and the detailing is far better. The new ship
is called the Gervoya - silly Trek reference ;-)
Ill take pictures as soon as I can borrow some portable lights from a friend to
take pictures by (they come out really badly with current room lighting)
hopefully sometime this weekend... it might help to lurk in as I took a
bunch of ships to Bricksmeet 2003 and some fellow Aussies took pictures of them.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Anybody notice this? Is this new?
| (...) Here too. I believe that this was uploaded a LONG time ago... But it still is very cool. I wish Paul took more pictures... I'd love to see an interior. -JHK (2 URLs) (22 years ago, 6-Jun-03, to, FTX)
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