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Re: Masters of Space?
Sun, 13 Oct 2002 15:02:56 GMT
550 times
In, John Henry Kruer writes:
Hey all.  Wanting to make a second version of the powerpoint Masters of
Space, so I need to choose the masters of space.  I want thirty people, with
hopefully 4 creations each.  So far, I have:

Jon Palmer
Mark Sandlin
Kyle Keppler
Gil Shaw
Adrian Drake
Daniel Jassim
Bram Lambrecht
Chris Maddison
Chris Giddens
Jeremy Sproat
Joel Kuester

Rick Hallman
Trevor Pruden

I need 19 more people.  Any suggestions?  (No voting for yourself!)

Thanks for your input!



Jason Spears
MichLUG -
Lego Page -

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  Re: Masters of Space?
(...) (snip) (...) (snip) (...) :) ~Trev (URL) (22 years ago, 13-Oct-02, to

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  Masters of Space?
Hey all. Wanting to make a second version of the powerpoint Masters of Space, so I need to choose the masters of space. I want thirty people, with hopefully 4 creations each. So far, I have: Jon Palmer Mark Sandlin Kyle Keppler Gil Shaw Adrian Drake (...) (22 years ago, 12-Oct-02, to

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