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 Space / 17735
    Re: Battlefish interior and starfighter pics —Jordan D. Greer
   (...) design. The overall shape of the ship sort of reminds me of the (Minbari) Sharlin class War-Cruiser from Babylon 5. I'm glad that you found a use for all of those yellow pieces. =) As far as I can remember, I've never used yellow as the (...) (22 years ago, 22-Sep-02, to
        Re: Battlefish interior and starfighter pics —Alexander Zwagerman
   I thought of the Minbari warship, too, when Battlefish was finished. However, I think the Minbari ship was even higher and more aerodynamic in design. Glad you like the doors. The two ships only just fit in and when I haven't positioned them (...) (22 years ago, 22-Sep-02, to

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