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 Space / 17277
    Re: Moonbase Entrance Module —Mark Sandlin
   (...) I suppose this seems sort of elementary to me. You get to the moonbase by spaceship. Spaceships land on the landing pad. You walk off the spaceship and into the airlock. If you need to go outside to do stuff, certain modules have separate (...) (23 years ago, 9-Sep-02, to
        Re: Moonbase Entrance Module —John P. Henderson
   (...) Yes, this was what I did in my Power Plant Mod. There is a roof-top hatch that hinges into an airlock... one darn blurry image: (URL) ran out of the little gray bar-clip-thingies that I had used for ladder rungs on the interior. If I find (...) (23 years ago, 9-Sep-02, to

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