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Re: My webpage is up
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 17:39:35 GMT
1936 times
Great work Jason!  It is always awesome to see someone new showing off their
models.  I like how your ships use a common design theme but slightly modified
in shape and color.  It really looks like a real design evolution might be
taking place.  Congrats, and I look forward to seeing more of your models.

P.S.  Cool tanks as well!

pat J

Jason Ellis wrote:

Hello everyone.  I've been lurking around for a couple of months and have
finally gotten my MOCs photographed and posted.  I've got a couple of
futuristic tanks and fighters.

These are the first models I've built in about 8 years.  Thank goodness for
the Star Wars sets or I may never have gotten back into Lego.




Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My webpage is up
Thanks for the positive feedback. I hadn't really thought of it as a evolution, but then again I haven't worked out much of the back story for any of the models so who knows maybe an evolution might be a good idea. My initial thoughts were that each (...) (25 years ago, 29-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  My webpage is up
Hello everyone. I've been lurking around for a couple of months and have finally gotten my MOCs photographed and posted. I've got a couple of futuristic tanks and fighters. (URL) are the first models I've built in about 8 years. Thank goodness for (...) (25 years ago, 28-Mar-00, to  

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