| | MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
Upon starting my next MoonBase project, I knew I wanted to do a Blacktron Theme. My pieces from Message Intercept Base(1) were lying nearby and I had my inspiration. So here it is: (2 URLs) Spears MichLUG - (URL) Page - (URL) (23 years ago, 15-Aug-02, to lugnet.space) !!
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
(...) Well, except for those Blacktron wannabes. (B2) Oh well, at least you seem to have them in a subordinate role. Like Blacktron receptionists or something. ;^) ~GAMH (23 years ago, 15-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
(...) Thanks. :) (...) Yeap. Think of them as Blacktron red shirts. Crumie jobs and first to get shot. (...) -Jason +---...---+ Jason Spears MichLUG - (URL) Page - (URL) (23 years ago, 15-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
(...) like it. ...Perhaps the M-Tron guys can strike a secret deal to supply you energy in exchange for protection. ...Oh wait, with Blacktron, that might be extortion... <zoiks!> Great Job! -Hendo (23 years ago, 15-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
(...) Thanks. Blacktron would be happy to provide "Protection" services. Hmm, although that means that a barracks would have to be setup to house the extra personel. Hmm... Another module idea is born. (...) -Jason +---...---+ Jason Spears MichLUG - (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
I like it! I agree with the Grand Admiral, it's good to see BT2 doing menial taks. My only beef is that it's kind of hard to see any detail (being black and all :-) Cool. -Chris (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
(...) Thanks. Yes, unfortunatly black doesn't photograph well. I guess I'll just have to bring it to BF next year, so the details can be seen. (...) -Jason +---...---+ Jason Spears MichLUG - (URL) Page - (URL) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
(...) What would happen if this module were placed adjacent to a space police module? Jeff J (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.space)
 | | Re: MoonBase Module Project - BlackTron Message Intercept Base
(...) Then I imagine that the connecting corridor wouldn't be that safe of a place anymore as WAR broke out. Actually this kind of thing could be quite the inspiration for a BrickWars campaign. Similar to what NELUG has been up to lately. (1) Just (...) (23 years ago, 16-Aug-02, to lugnet.space, lugnet.gaming, lugnet.org.us.michlug)