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 Robotics / RCX / ROBOLAB / 35
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Re: Making Robolab more open
Tue, 21 Mar 2000 02:12:48 GMT
5826 times
Some questions:  Does RoboLab use the standard firmware?


Can you open the
RoboLab VI's to get into the sub VI's?

No. However, you CAN do this with LEGO Engineer, the software for the
serial interface box.

Can you install the RoboLab VI's
into a LabView VI?

Yes.  This is what I'm doing when I insert ROBOLAB direct-mode programs
into programs written with the LabVIEW Web Server to do telerobotics.

Can you create and save modified Robolab VI's to use in
other RoboLab VI's?

if i understand you, yes.  you can make subroutines with 2.0.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Making Robolab more open
According to Dr. Chris Rogers at Tufts, Labview 6.0 will have an autowire function, and Robolab 2.5 will be written with Labview 6.0 when it is GA. That is better than what I hoped for. I was proposing was getting instructions on how to modify (...) (25 years ago, 21-Mar-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.robolab)

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