| | Re: Group to discuss Teaching Lego Robotics?? lugnet.robotics.teaching ???
| Todd, Dave, Ralph, OK!! This can work. I like the simple .edu (I was just grumbling, avoiding the Educator noun...) We're all learners and teachers. I'm out the door to work on Mindstorms with my Grandchildren! Be back this PM.... Todd, who can (...) (25 years ago, 27-Oct-99, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc, lugnet.admin.general)
| |  | | Re: Group to discuss Teaching Lego Robotics?? lugnet.robotics.teaching ???
| (...) I'll see to it. --Todd (25 years ago, 27-Oct-99, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc, lugnet.admin.general)
| |  | | Re: Group to discuss Teaching Lego Robotics?? lugnet.robotics.teaching ???
| (...) OK, getting closer. I went more closely through a bunch of recent messages here, scanned a few more papers, and thought more about what Seymour Papert said in his talk, then culled what seemed like the core issues and wrote down a couple (...) (25 years ago, 27-Oct-99, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.nqc, lugnet.admin.general)
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