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gcc-3.3 - multi-line string literals
Sat, 17 May 2003 10:40:37 GMT
3476 times
GCC 3.3 has made multi-line string literals a syntax error. (They were
deprecated from 3.0).

This is very annoying, because they made lots of sense for things like
inline asms, and brickOS has lots of them.

Below are patches which append \n\ to the end of each line in a
multi-line string literal, for the util and lib subdirs of brickOS.

I figured I'd get some comments on these before doing the same for the rest
of brickOS.

PS: Can we maybe have a SourceForge list rather than this stupid LUGNET
Something which permits reasonable attachments and doesn't require manual
confirmation of EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE!     Please?



Index: lib/c/memcpy.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/brickos/brickos/lib/c/memcpy.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 memcpy.c
--- lib/c/memcpy.c 20 Aug 2002 03:04:29 -0000 1.1
+++ lib/c/memcpy.c 17 May 2003 10:26:49 -0000
@@ -45,24 +45,24 @@ void memcpy(void* dest,void* src,size_t
     int dummy;
__asm__ __volatile__(
-        "
-; memcpy == [r1,r1+r2) -> [r0,r0+r2)
-; rom == [r0,r1) -> [r2,r2+r1-r0)
-        mov.w r0,r3
-        mov.w r1,r0
-        add.w r2,r1
-        mov.w r3,r2
-        jmp @rom_memcpy
+        "\n\
+; memcpy == [r1,r1+r2) -> [r0,r0+r2)\n\
+; rom == [r0,r1) -> [r2,r2+r1-r0)\n\
+        mov.w r0,r3\n\
+        mov.w r1,r0\n\
+        add.w r2,r1\n\
+        mov.w r3,r2\n\
+        jmp @rom_memcpy\n\
- "
-         0:cmp %1,%2
-           beq 1f
-            mov.b @%1+,%0l
-            mov.b %0l,@%3
-            adds #1,%3
-           bra 0b
-         1:
+ "\n\
+         0:cmp %1,%2\n\
+           beq 1f\n\
+            mov.b @%1+,%0l\n\
+            mov.b %0l,@%3\n\
+            adds #1,%3\n\
+           bra 0b\n\
+         1:\n\
  : "=&r" (dummy)    // output
Index: lib/mint/cmpsi2.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/brickos/brickos/lib/mint/cmpsi2.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 cmpsi2.c
--- lib/mint/cmpsi2.c 20 Aug 2002 03:04:29 -0000 1.1
+++ lib/mint/cmpsi2.c 17 May 2003 10:26:50 -0000
@@ -23,43 +23,43 @@
  *  Contributor(s): Kekoa Proudfoot <>

-__asm__ ("
- .section .text
- .global ___cmpsi2
- sub.w r3,r1
- subx.b r2l,r0l
- subx.b r2h,r0h
- blt  else_0
-  beq  else_1
-   ; First operand greater than second operand
-   mov.w #1,r0
-   rts
-  else_1:
-   ; First operand equal to second operand
-   sub.w r0,r0
-   rts
-  endif_1:
- else_0:
-  ; First operand less than second operand
-  mov.w #-1,r0
-  rts
- endif_0:
- ; Not reached
+__asm__ ("\n\
+ .section .text\n\
+ .global ___cmpsi2\n\
+ sub.w r3,r1\n\
+ subx.b r2l,r0l\n\
+ subx.b r2h,r0h\n\
+ blt  else_0\n\
+  beq  else_1\n\
+   ; First operand greater than second operand\n\
+   mov.w #1,r0\n\
+   rts\n\
+  else_1:\n\
+   ; First operand equal to second operand\n\
+   sub.w r0,r0\n\
+   rts\n\
+  endif_1:\n\
+ else_0:\n\
+  ; First operand less than second operand\n\
+  mov.w #-1,r0\n\
+  rts\n\
+ endif_0:\n\
+ ; Not reached\n\
Index: lib/mint/mulhi3.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/brickos/brickos/lib/mint/mulhi3.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 mulhi3.c
--- lib/mint/mulhi3.c 20 Aug 2002 03:04:29 -0000 1.1
+++ lib/mint/mulhi3.c 17 May 2003 10:26:50 -0000
@@ -30,20 +30,20 @@
int __mulhi3(int a,int b);

-__asm__ ("
-.section .text ___mulhi3
-      ; param   r0,r1
-      ; return  r0
-      ; clobber r2
-      mov.w    r0,r2
-      mulxu.b  r1h,r2
-      mov.b    r0h,r2h
-      mulxu.b  r1l,r0
-      add.b    r2l,r0h
-      mulxu.b  r2h,r1
-      add.b    r1l,r0h
-      rts
+__asm__ ("\n\
+.section .text\n\ ___mulhi3\n\
+      ; param   r0,r1\n\
+      ; return  r0\n\
+      ; clobber r2\n\
+    \n\
+      mov.w    r0,r2\n\
+      mulxu.b  r1h,r2\n\
+      mov.b    r0h,r2h\n\
+      mulxu.b  r1l,r0\n\
+      add.b    r2l,r0h\n\
+      mulxu.b  r2h,r1\n\
+      add.b    r1l,r0h\n\
+      rts\n\
Index: lib/mint/ucmpsi2.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/brickos/brickos/lib/mint/ucmpsi2.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -r1.1 ucmpsi2.c
--- lib/mint/ucmpsi2.c 20 Aug 2002 03:04:29 -0000 1.1
+++ lib/mint/ucmpsi2.c 17 May 2003 10:26:50 -0000
@@ -23,43 +23,43 @@
  * Contributor(s): Kekoa Proudfoot <>

-__asm__ ("
- .section .text
- .global ___ucmpsi2
- sub.w r3,r1
- subx.b r2l,r0l
- subx.b r2h,r0h
- blo  else_0
-  beq  else_1
-   ; First operand greater than second operand
-   mov.w #1,r0
-   rts
-  else_1:
-   ; First operand equal to second operand
-   sub.w r0,r0
-   rts
-  endif_1:
- else_0:
-  ; First operand less than second operand
-  mov.w #-1,r0
-  rts
- endif_0:
- ; Not reached
+__asm__ ("\n\
+ .section .text\n\
+ .global ___ucmpsi2\n\
+ sub.w r3,r1\n\
+ subx.b r2l,r0l\n\
+ subx.b r2h,r0h\n\
+ blo  else_0\n\
+  beq  else_1\n\
+   ; First operand greater than second operand\n\
+   mov.w #1,r0\n\
+   rts\n\
+  else_1:\n\
+   ; First operand equal to second operand\n\
+   sub.w r0,r0\n\
+   rts\n\
+  endif_1:\n\
+ else_0:\n\
+  ; First operand less than second operand\n\
+  mov.w #-1,r0\n\
+  rts\n\
+ endif_0:\n\
+ ; Not reached\n\
Index: util/dll-src/genlds.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/brickos/brickos/util/dll-src/genlds.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -p -r1.3 genlds.c
--- util/dll-src/genlds.c 12 Oct 2002 03:22:26 -0000 1.3
+++ util/dll-src/genlds.c 17 May 2003 10:21:21 -0000
@@ -93,56 +93,56 @@ static void print_header(FILE *f,
            const char *now,const char *kernel_name,
     unsigned ram,unsigned kernlen, unsigned ramlen) {
- *
- *  dynamic linker command file
- *  generated: %s
- *  kernel   : %s
- *  app start: 0x%04x
- *
- *  BrickOS for LEGO(R) Mindstorms(TM)
- *  Originally: legOS - the independent LEGO Mindstorms OS
- *              (c) 1999 by Markus L. Noga <>
- *
- */
-  rom   : o = 0x0000, l = 0x8000
-  kern  : o = 0x8000, l = 0x%04x
-  ram   : o = 0x%04x, l = 0x%04x
-  stack : o = 0xfefc, l = 0x0004
-  eight : o = 0xff00, l = 0x0100
-  .rom : {
-    /* used rom functions */
-    _rom_reset_vector = 0x0000;
-    _reset        = 0x03ae ;
-    lcd_show      = 0x1b62 ;
-    lcd_hide      = 0x1e4a ;
-    lcd_number    = 0x1ff2 ;
-    lcd_clear     = 0x27ac ;
-    power_init    = 0x2964 ;
-    sound_system  = 0x299a ;
-    power_off     = 0x2a62 ;
-    sound_playing = 0x3ccc ;
-    _rom_dummy_handler   = 0x046a ;
-    _rom_ocia_handler    = 0x04cc ;
-    _rom_ocia_return     = 0x04d4 ;
-  } > rom
-  .kernel : {
-    /* kernel symbols (relative to 0x8000) */
+ * \n\
+ *  dynamic linker command file\n\
+ *  generated: %s\n\
+ *  kernel   : %s\n\
+ *  app start: 0x%04x\n\
+ * \n\
+ *  BrickOS for LEGO(R) Mindstorms(TM)\n\
+ *  Originally: legOS - the independent LEGO Mindstorms OS\n\
+ *              (c) 1999 by Markus L. Noga <>    \n\
+ * \n\
+ */\n\
+MEMORY {\n\
+  rom   : o = 0x0000, l = 0x8000\n\
+  kern  : o = 0x8000, l = 0x%04x\n\
+  ram   : o = 0x%04x, l = 0x%04x\n\
+  stack : o = 0xfefc, l = 0x0004\n\
+  eight : o = 0xff00, l = 0x0100\n\
+  .rom : {\n\
+    /* used rom functions */\n\
+    \n\
+    _rom_reset_vector = 0x0000;\n\
+        \n\
+    _reset        = 0x03ae ;\n\
+    lcd_show      = 0x1b62 ;\n\
+    lcd_hide      = 0x1e4a ;\n\
+    lcd_number    = 0x1ff2 ;\n\
+    lcd_clear     = 0x27ac ;\n\
+    power_init    = 0x2964 ;\n\
+    sound_system  = 0x299a ;\n\
+    power_off     = 0x2a62 ;\n\
+    sound_playing = 0x3ccc ;\n\
+    _rom_dummy_handler   = 0x046a ;\n\
+    _rom_ocia_handler    = 0x04cc ;\n\
+    _rom_ocia_return     = 0x04d4 ;\n\
+    \n\
+  } > rom\n\
+  .kernel : {\n\
+    /* kernel symbols (relative to 0x8000) */\n\
@@ -152,128 +152,128 @@ SECTIONS {
//! print the linker script footer.
static void print_footer(FILE *f) {
-"    /* end of kernel symbols */
-  }  > kern
-  .text BLOCK(2) : {
-    ___text = . ;
-    *(.text)        /* must start with text for clean entry */
-    *(.rodata)
-    *(.strings)
-    *(.vectors)       /* vectors region (dummy) */
-    *(.persist)
-    ___text_end = . ;
-  }  > ram
-  .tors BLOCK(2) : {
-    ___ctors = . ;
-    *(.ctors)
-    ___ctors_end = . ;
-    ___dtors = . ;
-    *(.dtors)
-    ___dtors_end = . ;
-  }  > ram
-  .data BLOCK(2) : {
-    ___data = . ;
-    *(.data)
-    *(.tiny)
-    ___data_end = . ;
-  }  > ram
-  .bss BLOCK(2) : {
-    ___bss = . ;
-    *(.bss)
-    *(COMMON)
-    ___bss_end = ALIGN(2) ;
-  }  >ram
-  .stack : {
-    _stack = . ;
-    *(.stack)
-  }  > topram
-  .eight 0xff00: {
-    *(.eight)
-    /* on-chip module registers (relative to 0xff00) */
-    _T_IER = 0x90 ;
-    _T_CSR = 0x91 ;
-    _T_CNT = 0x92 ;
-    _T_OCRA = 0x94 ;
-    _T_OCRB = 0x94 ;
-    _T_CR = 0x96 ;
-    _T_OCR = 0x97 ;
-    _T_ICRA = 0x98 ;
-    _T_ICRB = 0x9a ;
-    _T_ICRC = 0x9c ;
-    _T_ICRD = 0x9e ;
-    _WDT_CSR = 0xa8 ;
-    _WDT_CNT = 0xa9 ;
-    _PORT1_PCR = 0xac ;
-    _PORT2_PCR = 0xad ;
-    _PORT3_PCR = 0xae ;
-    _PORT1_DDR = 0xb0 ;
-    _PORT2_DDR = 0xb1 ;
-    _PORT1 = 0xb2 ;
-    _PORT2 = 0xb3 ;
-    _PORT3_DDR = 0xb4 ;
-    _PORT4_DDR = 0xb5 ;
-    _PORT3 = 0xb6 ;
-    _PORT4 = 0xb7 ;
-    _PORT5_DDR = 0xb8 ;
-    _PORT6_DDR = 0xb9 ;
-    _PORT5 = 0xba ;
-    _PORT6 = 0xbb ;
-    _PORT7 = 0xbe ;
-    _STCR = 0xc3 ;
-    _SYSCR = 0xc4 ;
-    _T0_CR = 0xc8 ;
-    _T0_CSR = 0xc9 ;
-    _T0_CORA = 0xca ;
-    _T0_CORB = 0xcb ;
-    _T0_CNT = 0xcc ;
-    _T1_CR = 0xd0 ;
-    _T1_CSR = 0xd1 ;
-    _T1_CORA = 0xd2 ;
-    _T1_CORB = 0xd3 ;
-    _T1_CNT = 0xd4 ;
-    _S_MR = 0xd8 ;
-    _S_BRR = 0xd9 ;
-    _S_CR = 0xda ;
-    _S_TDR = 0xdb ;
-    _S_SR = 0xdc ;
-    _S_RDR = 0xdd ;
-    _AD_A = 0xe0 ;
-    _AD_A_H = 0xe0 ;
-    _AD_A_L = 0xe1 ;
-    _AD_B = 0xe2 ;
-    _AD_B_H = 0xe2 ;
-    _AD_B_L = 0xe3 ;
-    _AD_C = 0xe4 ;
-    _AD_C_H = 0xe4 ;
-    _AD_C_L = 0xe5 ;
-    _AD_D = 0xe6 ;
-    _AD_D_H = 0xe6 ;
-    _AD_D_L = 0xe7 ;
-    _AD_CSR = 0xe8 ;
-    _AD_CR = 0xe9 ;
-    /* end of on-chip module registers */
-  }  > eight
-  .stab 0 (NOLOAD) : {
-    [ .stab ]
-  }
-  .stabstr 0 (NOLOAD) : {
-    [ .stabstr ]
-  }
-} /* SECTIONS */
+"    /* end of kernel symbols */\n\
+  }  > kern\n\
+      \n\
+  .text BLOCK(2) : {\n\
+    ___text = . ;\n\
+    *(.text)        /* must start with text for clean entry */   \n\
+    *(.rodata)\n\
+    *(.strings)\n\
+    *(.vectors)       /* vectors region (dummy) */\n\
+    *(.persist)\n\
+    ___text_end = . ;\n\
+  }  > ram\n\
+  .tors BLOCK(2) : {\n\
+    ___ctors = . ;\n\
+    *(.ctors)\n\
+    ___ctors_end = . ;\n\
+    ___dtors = . ;\n\
+    *(.dtors)\n\
+    ___dtors_end = . ;\n\
+  }  > ram\n\
+  .data BLOCK(2) : {\n\
+    ___data = . ;\n\
+    *(.data)\n\
+    *(.tiny)\n\
+    ___data_end = . ;\n\
+  }  > ram\n\
+  .bss BLOCK(2) : {\n\
+    ___bss = . ;\n\
+    *(.bss)\n\
+    *(COMMON)\n\
+    ___bss_end = ALIGN(2) ;\n\
+  }  >ram\n\
+  .stack : {\n\
+    _stack = . ; \n\
+    *(.stack)\n\
+  }  > topram\n\
+  .eight 0xff00: {\n\
+    *(.eight)\n\
+    /* on-chip module registers (relative to 0xff00) */\n\
+    _T_IER = 0x90 ;\n\
+    _T_CSR = 0x91 ;\n\
+    _T_CNT = 0x92 ;\n\
+    _T_OCRA = 0x94 ;\n\
+    _T_OCRB = 0x94 ;\n\
+    _T_CR = 0x96 ;\n\
+    _T_OCR = 0x97 ;\n\
+    _T_ICRA = 0x98 ;\n\
+    _T_ICRB = 0x9a ;\n\
+    _T_ICRC = 0x9c ;\n\
+    _T_ICRD = 0x9e ;\n\
+    _WDT_CSR = 0xa8 ;\n\
+    _WDT_CNT = 0xa9 ;\n\
+    _PORT1_PCR = 0xac ;\n\
+    _PORT2_PCR = 0xad ;\n\
+    _PORT3_PCR = 0xae ;\n\
+    _PORT1_DDR = 0xb0 ;\n\
+    _PORT2_DDR = 0xb1 ;\n\
+    _PORT1 = 0xb2 ;\n\
+    _PORT2 = 0xb3 ;\n\
+    _PORT3_DDR = 0xb4 ;\n\
+    _PORT4_DDR = 0xb5 ;\n\
+    _PORT3 = 0xb6 ;\n\
+    _PORT4 = 0xb7 ;\n\
+    _PORT5_DDR = 0xb8 ;\n\
+    _PORT6_DDR = 0xb9 ;\n\
+    _PORT5 = 0xba ;\n\
+    _PORT6 = 0xbb ;\n\
+    _PORT7 = 0xbe ;\n\
+    _STCR = 0xc3 ;\n\
+    _SYSCR = 0xc4 ;\n\
+    _T0_CR = 0xc8 ;\n\
+    _T0_CSR = 0xc9 ;\n\
+    _T0_CORA = 0xca ;\n\
+    _T0_CORB = 0xcb ;\n\
+    _T0_CNT = 0xcc ;\n\
+    _T1_CR = 0xd0 ;\n\
+    _T1_CSR = 0xd1 ;\n\
+    _T1_CORA = 0xd2 ;\n\
+    _T1_CORB = 0xd3 ;\n\
+    _T1_CNT = 0xd4 ;\n\
+    _S_MR = 0xd8 ;\n\
+    _S_BRR = 0xd9 ;\n\
+    _S_CR = 0xda ;\n\
+    _S_TDR = 0xdb ;\n\
+    _S_SR = 0xdc ;\n\
+    _S_RDR = 0xdd ;\n\
+    _AD_A = 0xe0 ;\n\
+    _AD_A_H = 0xe0 ;\n\
+    _AD_A_L = 0xe1 ;\n\
+    _AD_B = 0xe2 ;\n\
+    _AD_B_H = 0xe2 ;\n\
+    _AD_B_L = 0xe3 ;\n\
+    _AD_C = 0xe4 ;\n\
+    _AD_C_H = 0xe4 ;\n\
+    _AD_C_L = 0xe5 ;\n\
+    _AD_D = 0xe6 ;\n\
+    _AD_D_H = 0xe6 ;\n\
+    _AD_D_L = 0xe7 ;\n\
+    _AD_CSR = 0xe8 ;\n\
+    _AD_CR = 0xe9 ;\n\
+    \n\
+    /* end of on-chip module registers */\n\
+    \n\
+  }  > eight\n\
+  .stab 0 (NOLOAD) : {\n\
+    [ .stab ]\n\
+  }\n\
+  .stabstr 0 (NOLOAD) : {\n\
+    [ .stabstr ]\n\
+  }\n\
+} /* SECTIONS */\n\


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Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: gcc-3.3 - multi-line string literals
Thanks for the patch....but... Sorry to be such a NOOB does one go about using this patch? I've gotten things to compile/make, generating .srecs and .lx's but sick and tired of scrolling through those deprecated multiline warnings. I'll (...) (22 years ago, 19-Aug-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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