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 Robotics / RCX / legOS / 186
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Re: case statement doesn't work- any clue?
Mon, 3 May 1999 15:45:41 GMT
1359 times
Luis Villa wrote:
The problem is that the case statement appears to fail completely.
Instead of outputting one value and then incrementing ID_number and
waiting, it outputs all the values, and *then* waits for the button push ,
as if they were a continuous list and not a case statement. Is this just
poor coding on my part? Is this one of these hidden C/C++ differences? Or
is this another LegOS limitation? (I'm leaning towards the last, but have
not had a change yet to test this more generally.)

Doh! You haven't put any breaks between the cases. BTW, if LegOS can
change the semantics of C its cleverer than I thought ... :-)




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Message is in Reply To:
  case statement doesn't work- any clue?
I'm trying to program some very rudimentary debugging stuff- just outputting variables to the screen. Basically, I want to use a switch/case statement to read an integer variable (in this case ID_number) which is then linked (by the case statement) (...) (26 years ago, 3-May-99, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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