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 Robotics / RCX / legOS / 185
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case statement doesn't work- any clue?
Mon, 3 May 1999 15:13:11 GMT
1440 times
I'm trying to program some very rudimentary debugging stuff- just
outputting variables to the screen. Basically, I want to use a switch/case
statement to read an integer variable (in this case ID_number)
which is then linked (by the case statement) to universal variables
elsewhere in the code. Each case should output it's ID#, and then the
value of the variable which has been ID'd. Then it should wait for the
next button push to output the next variable.

The problem is that the case statement appears to fail completely.
Instead of outputting one value and then incrementing ID_number and
waiting, it outputs all the values, and *then* waits for the button push ,
as if they were a continuous list and not a case statement. Is this just
poor coding on my part? Is this one of these hidden C/C++ differences? Or
is this another LegOS limitation? (I'm leaning towards the last, but have
not had a change yet to test this more generally.)

The applicable code is below. If you'd like to grab the .srec, it's at

Thanks ahead of time!
P.S. I tried incrementing both inside the case statement (as the attached
code shows) and after the case statement. Neither one worked.

int variable_output()
  int ID_number=0; //for the switch statement

      wait_event(&button_press_wakeup,BUTTON_PROGRAM); // wait for PROG

case 0:
  //this should only run the first time the debugger is activated
    cputs("debug");    //indicate start
    ID_number=1;  //increment the counter to the next variable
case 1:
  //light sensor #1
    cputs("light");  //outputs "light" then "1" to ID the variable

    new_lcd_int(LIGHT_1,PRINT_TIME); //this time is irrelevant
and should be removed once I confirm the code works
    ID_number+=1;  //increment the counter to the next variable
case 2:
  //light sensor #2
  //since this is the last case, the counter is returned to 1
instead of being incremented
    cputs("light");  //outputs "light" then "1" to ID the variable

    //PRINT_TIME is irrelevant here-
    //the code will wait for the button press no matter what.

    ID_number=1;  //resets the counter to begin the loop again


   wait_event(&button_release_wakeup,BUTTON_PROGRAM); // wait for PROG
button to be released

  //maybe code in an exit case?


God was my co-pilot,
  but we crashed in the mountains
       and I had to eat him.
-bumper sticker


Message has 2 Replies:
  Read me first! Re: case statement doesn't work- any clue?
Nevermind. Dangit. Forgot break statements like a moron. -Luis (...) ###...### God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him. -bumper sticker ###...### (26 years ago, 3-May-99, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)
  Re: case statement doesn't work- any clue?
(...) Doh! You haven't put any breaks between the cases. BTW, if LegOS can change the semantics of C its cleverer than I thought ... :-) Cheers, Ben. -- (URL) grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who (...) (26 years ago, 3-May-99, to lugnet.robotics.rcx.legos)

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