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Re: RotationNavigator accuracy
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 14:57:25 GMT
5676 times
In, Michael Wisse wrote:
   My robot is a tank with treads and moving without turning works well, travel() moves the correct distance. Turning with rotate() or gotoAngle() is problematic. It seems, that accuracy depends on motorpower. If I set power to 6, the robot turns only half the angle. If I do not set motor power and the navigator class runs with default values for power, accuracy is better, but still poor. How can this be, if it calculates with rotation sensor values, wich do not depend on motor power?

Perhaps it is a problem, that a tank with treads behaves different from a robot with wheels, especially in performing turns with his treads?

I guess it’s more hardware related problem turning with tank-style robot is ALWAYS a trouble because tank doesn’t have defined centre of rotation. If you imagine the simple robot - two wheels and a castor - there is rotation center well defined and it lies between points, where wheels touch the ground. When you use the tank, it touches ground with its treads on many spots and therefore is hard to estimate where the rotation point is. Diferent conditions on each side (e.g.friction) also makes it inaccurate. Unfortunatelly i cannot point you to any good site related to you problem as all pages i know are written in Czech and that wouldn’t help you.

Try to build simple castor arrangment as you can see here: and test your program on it



Message is in Reply To:
  RotationNavigator accuracy
Hi, I just try the rotation navigator class and have some problems with turning accuracy. My robot is a tank with treads and moving without turning works well, travel() moves the correct distance. Turning with rotate() or gotoAngle() is problematic. (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to

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