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 Robotics / RCX / 961
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Spare parts for RIS1.5 ?
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 11:51:40 GMT
1752 times
Dear all,

My kids (I...) got the RIS 1.5 box (from me...) for Christmas. I am certain
that a lot of the little pins, pegs, wheels, rubber bands etc. will be
disappearing in the future with 3 kids and a couple of adults playing around.

My question (FAQ?): How will I be able to get replacement parts for all the
small stuff? I have never used Technic, we just jumped all the way from basic
Lego to the robots. Do you know of specific sets that are useful in this

I look forward to any useful help; emails will be appreciated, as I don't read
these news all the time.

Greetings, Ole

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Spare parts for RIS1.5 ?
(...) Hi Ole, Lego offers, what they call service-packs. Unfortunately I was not able to locate those in their online-shop. You should ask them for a catalogue. Regards Frank (24 years ago, 15-Jan-01, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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