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 Robotics / RCX / 562
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Re: how detect other RCX robots with light sensors?
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 03:55:40 GMT
1812 times
Assuming both RCXs are facing each other, this can be done by using the IR
transmitter of the RCX on the detected robot, and a forward pointing light
sensor on the detecting robot. Set one robot (the detected robot) to send out
constant IR messages. Set the other robot (the detecting robot) to first save
the light reading of a forward pointing light sensor, then if the value is
greater than 2% of the starting value, the sending robot is about 30 cm away.
This assumes there is not greater than a 2% variation in the ambient light. If
you substitute a D-IRPD sensor from Techno-Stuff for the light sensor, you can
detect another robot sending IR traffic directly in front from over 90 cm away.

If you do not send a constant stream of IR from the RCX to be detected, the
light sensor will not work, and the D-IRPD will only have a range of about 12
cm, which is shorter than your requirements. However the D-IRPD will detect
other RCXs no matter which way they face, and will detect other objects.

Connecting two light sensors to the same port will not accomplish what you
want, and is seems to accomplish nothing useful, unlike stacking touch sensors
or a touch sensor with a light sensor.

In lugnet.robotics.rcx, Manuel Cabido Lopes writes:

I want to know if there another RCX infront of me at a maximum distance of
30cm. I tried to use only the light sensors but it was not enough. Does anyone
has already tried this. Maybe putting some light in the RCX like infrared (I'm
trying this). I'm obtaining better results if I put two light sensors
connected to the same port. Maybe this is for two reasons a kind of averaging
system and the increase of the dynamic range.

Thank you

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: how detect other RCX robots with light sensors?
(...) This does put quite the strain on your batteries though... Dean -- Coin-Op's For Sale!: (URL) Lego Workshop: (URL) Lego Club: (URL) (25 years ago, 15-Apr-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

Message is in Reply To:
  how detect other RCX robots with light sensors?
I want to know if there another RCX infront of me at a maximum distance of 30cm. I tried to use only the light sensors but it was not enough. Does anyone has already tried this. Maybe putting some light in the RCX like infrared (I'm trying this). (...) (25 years ago, 14-Apr-00, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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