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 Robotics / RCX / 326
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Re: USB->Serial Converts and IR Tower
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 16:24:58 GMT
1735 times
Scott Matsumoto wrote:

Somewhere on the Mindstorms site, I found a reference to the Peracom
adapter.  I have not tried it, but I did buy a Belkin USB Hub with a serial
port and I know that the Belkin doesn't work.

Wow.  I am suprised Belkin doesnt work.  Their products are really good.
I never heard of Peracom. I know that Lego claims that "it worked for some
users", but I wanted to stick with brand-names that I was familar with.   Does
anyone know if Lego is coming out with an USB-based IR Tower or better yet,
did anyone try to get their IrDa port working with the RCX??



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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: USB->Serial Converts and IR Tower
Somewhere on the Mindstorms site, I found a reference to the Peracom adapter. I have not tried it, but I did buy a Belkin USB Hub with a serial port and I know that the Belkin doesn't work. Scott (25 years ago, 31-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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