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 Robotics / RCX / 2031
  Re: What sort of signals(values) can be transmitted and received by the RCX
(...) 0x1 = 1. 0xf = 15. 0xbe = 11*16+14 = 190 (I think.) It's that simple. (...) But 0 is not recommended, as it's the value used when no message has been recieved. (...) brickOS is the best: it has LNP, an addressed protocol like UDP. (...) (...) (22 years ago, 5-May-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)
  Re: What sort of signals(values) can be transmitted and received by the RCX
(...) LNP is very nice, but as far as I understand it sends sequences of bytes and it is upon you to do the conversion to/from the data, where Lejos has some partial support on top of LNP. (...) If it weren't a coincidence then a mile would be (...) (22 years ago, 7-May-03, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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