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 Robotics / Handy Board / 8477
8476  |  8478
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 05:46:40 GMT
2415 times
Hi everyone,

I am unable to find the 68HC11A1 microcontroller. Does anyone know where can I
buy this in India and what is its price ? I prefer if dealer  is around Mumbai
or Pune.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: 68HC11A1
The A1 is discontinued, so you might not be able to find it. instead use the mc68hc11e1fn with the Handy Board. Fred (...) (23 years ago, 8-Oct-01, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

Message is in Reply To:
  NiMH battery....
hi, Can I replace the NiCD battery with a NiMh battery for the HB ? And Can I use HB's charger to charge the NiMH battery ? (23 years ago, 7-Oct-01, to lugnet.robotics.handyboard)

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