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Re: The "Which Set Should I Buy" FAQ
Sat, 18 Dec 1999 22:01:55 GMT
928 times
Brian Connors <> wrote:
Well, it took me less than an hour from preliminary announcement to
posting, but the "Which Set Should I Buy" FAQ is now ready for viewing. It
should be considered beta quality at this point, and I'd like to


I'd mention more what a poor buy the Extreme Creatures and RoboSports
expansion sets are. More exactly, that what you're paying for is not Lego
parts, but software -- more challenges and such. If you're not heavily into
the official Lego robotics software, you can find much better values in
other sets.

I'd also suggest a list of other good-for-robots techic sets. I made such a
list a year ago or so; it could probably stand updating but might be a
starting point.


Matthew Miller                      --->        
Quotes 'R' Us                       --->   

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The "Which Set Should I Buy" FAQ
Also, I'm not at all convinced that the RIS 1.5 upgrade is worth $30, if you're not using Lego's software. (Which you probably shouldn't be anyway!) (25 years ago, 18-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  The "Which Set Should I Buy" FAQ
Well, it took me less than an hour from preliminary announcement to posting, but the "Which Set Should I Buy" FAQ is now ready for viewing. It should be considered beta quality at this point, and I'd like to recieve comments (and/or donations :-) ) (...) (25 years ago, 16-Dec-99, to lugnet.robotics)

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