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Lego Deals/Off Topics
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 15:25:58 GMT
James C. Jones <jonesj5@ocps^NoMoreSpam^>
1224 times
Todd - I read what I want from the list, and delete what I am not
interested in.  But, more often than not, I really enjoy the sensor emails,
etc., as I am learning more and more about Legos, RIS, etc.  So, this list
is WONDERFUL, as is.

Also, has anyone bought the #8479, Bar-Code Multiset?  I am really looking
for more pieces for my robotics building, and 40% off makes this a fairly
attractive kit.  But, I have to be careful, as my wife says I am spending
us into the "Poor House," with my Lego addiction.

WOW, and what a rush that Space Shuttle was/is, @ $74.50!

Totally "high" on Legos!

James C. Jones
Liberty Middle School
3405 S. Chickasaw Trail
Orlando, FL  32829
PH 407/249-6440 x280 (x425 voice mail)
FAX 407/249-6449

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